Greiðsla Tegund:T/T
Gerð nr.: 6.038.411-00-000
Merki: Kinen
Cartridge: 1/2" brass cartridge with a lifetime of durable performance
Handle: Two handles offer separate control of hot and cold water
Material: Brass construction for maximum durability
Variant: Wide range of creative finishes offer personalized living space
Framleiðni: 15000000
Framboð hæfileika: We are factory and we are responsible for the entire production process
Vottorð: Watermark,DVGW,CUPC,CE,WRAS,ACS,NSF
HS kóða: 84818090
Greiðsla Tegund: T/T
Incoterm: FOB
38 - Dóná seríur - blöndunartæki fyrir baðherbergis sturtublöndunartæki
Upplifðu göfugt gæði okkar með 38 seríum okkar, vatnasviði, baðblöndunartæki, sturtusett og baðherbergi.